A 16 year old japanese girl poisoned her mother with some ingredient popularly used in rat poison. She has been arrested after police investigation. They found a plastic bag containing this deadly chemical near her personal computer and she has been maintaining a blog on the progress of the condition of her mother...how sick can people get? Her mother was hospitalized on Oct. 2 after complaining of a decline in her muscular strength and difficulties in breathing and is unconcious till today. She had refered a site on poisonous chemicals and planned to poison her mother for no cause! She is being influenced by some local serial killer who was on the news recently. Maybe she tried on her for just the fun of it...She was a good student in high school and belong to a chemistry club and the principal is greated puzzled by this act of the little girl. She was released from police custody after poisoning herself and she is denying that she poisoned her mother...The police are still investigating on this issue ....Try searching the net for more information on this news....